Cockroach Extermination


Cockroach Treatment & Extermination

You found tiny droppings and egg casings or came face-to-face with this night crawler. You have a cockroach problem.

A cockroach is eating a piece of food on a white surface.

Get Rid of Cockroaches

We offer a two-part treatment application, as roaches love to hide in void spaces. We do an initial spray, so the residual pesticide is effective for two weeks.

We also use an actisol machine to turn the pesticide into a fog. This fog penetrates the void spaces within your appliances and vanities, effectively forcing the cockroaches to cross the residual application.

How Effective is Cockroach Pesticide?

Our Ministry of Environment-approved spray is 100% effective, and we provide you with a 90-day warranty..

A group of cockroaches are sitting on a white surface

Our Service Area


Wasaga Beach




Cockroach Pest Control Services & Maintenance Packages

Our effective cockroach pest control services & maintenance packages are proactive & affordable.

Two exterior sprays and interior bait stations.

Ongoing pest management to resolve pest issues.

Unlimited emergency pest eliminations.

Environmentally friendly and Ministry approved pesticides.

Yearly control and elimination of your unwanted pests.

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